"I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward." {Phil. 4:14, Amp. Bible}

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." {II Tim. 4:7, NIV}

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." {Heb. 12:1, NIV}

For a while, I was deep into the Olympic races that have aired on television over the years. At the time, I did not realize the spiritual significance and similarity of a physical race to a spiritual race. Each runner is wearing a number along with a flag or color of the country they are representing. Each runner is assigned to his or her own lane. The runners usually stretch before they run. They get in position or formation. The gun is shot, and the flag is waved. On your mark, get set, go! Each runner stays in their lane and runs their course or required length. Sometimes there may be hurdles or other obstacles the runner has to contend with. Although, there is a first, second, and third place winner, the other runners usually continue until they reach the finished line as well.

In other words, everyone finishes their course. How many of us have started something and not finished it? Everyone is guilty of starting something and not finishing it. How about starting school but not finishing or starting a diet and not finishing it? I am personally guilty of starting books and not finishing them. I'll share two quick stories with you. Upon entering college, I earned a two-year scholarship and a grant. I started off well. However, upon entering my second year of college, I allowed myself to get distracted and started goofing off. I had to make up a few classes, and I even ended up dropping out of school for a semester because money was tight.

However, before that next school year began, a new determination rose up on the inside of me. I decided that no matter what, I was going to finish what I started. I watched others graduate before me. It took me six years to get a four-year degree. But, I finished my course and walked across the stage shaking hands with two of the deans. I reached the goal and obtained the prize. Upon entering my second year of Bible Training, I was discouraged because I did not have all of the money to return to school. So, I decided, "Oh well, I guess I won't be going back." I was frustrated and decided to give up. The dean called my house and asked how come I was not back in school. I gave my little sob violin story. But, the dean said, "Did God tell you to quit and not to come back?" Well, that shook me up. I decided to trust God, and the extra money showed up.

It turned out to be a very good year because I kept my eyes on Jesus and finished my course. In the Christian race, we all have a lane that God has assigned us to. It is not our place to worry about another lane or compare ourselves with someone else. Competition is a big no, no in the Body of Christ. In the Christian race, it's not about speed or who finishes first. It's about staying in your lane and running and completing the course God has given you. We are to pray for and encourage each other to have a finishing spirit. Remember, it's not about who is the smartest, most educated, most qualified, and eloquent in speech. It's about not having a quitter's attitude and trusting God to empower you each step of the way. So, be determined to have a finishing spirit. If you stay in your lane and run your course, you will obtain the prize or blessings God has waiting just for you.



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