Divine visitation refers to when the heavens and the earth collaborates. The superior – the heavens decides to show mercy, and pay the created – the earth, a visit. Divine visitation can bring about reconstruction (Jeremiah 4:23-24), where a wilderness, barren land becomes a fruitful place.

In Luke 1, Pastor Zechariah said God brought light by allowing the ‘Dayspring from on high’ to visit the earth, bringing light into darkness, granting us a savior, so that we being delivered from the hands of our enemies, can serve God in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives.

When God visits; past promises and prophecies are turned into reality. Tangible results are seen. When God visited the earth, in Jesus, by his birth, prophecies given hundreds of years before were fulfilled.

As we celebrate the season of God’s divine visitation to earth to save all men, women and the world from sin; let us boldly declare the Lordship of Jesus, our King, Saviour and Lord. Jesus is coming back again; remain ready, help others to be ready. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men, most miserable. Help others come out of current and eternal misery by sharing the good news of God’s divine visitation in this season!

God bless you


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