Who is God
calling now?
Is God now calling the majority of humanity?
Most people think so. But if He is, He clearly has not succeeded. After Jesus
Christ’s 3½-year ministry, only 120 disciples were gathered on the day of
Pentecost to become part of the Church Jesus began. Christ’s true followers are
described as a “little flock” (Luke 12:32), following a narrow and difficult
pathway of life that very few find amidst the prevailing culture of “this
present evil age” (Matthew 7:13-14; Galatians 1:4).
Even if all people who are classified as
“Christian” were considered to be called of God, there still are far more who
do not recognize Christ and in many cases have not even heard His name. This is
difficult to reconcile with the idea that God is calling everyone now.
God has revealed in His Word, however, that He
has a magnificent plan through which all will ultimately come to know His way
of life. Through studying this plan of salvation, we learn that God is not
attempting to call the majority now, in this present age of man, but is letting
most live the lesson of human experience under Satan’s sway.
After they learn hard lessons through this
experience, many more eventually will want to go God’s way than would have
otherwise. In the future the contrast between God’s way and Satan’s will be
abundantly evident. (To more fully understand God’s great plan, be sure to
read What
Is Your Destiny? and God’s Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind .)
At that time, people who decided to determine
for themselves what is right and what is wrong finally will come to realize
that only the Great God can define what is right and wrong, holy and unholy,
good and bad.
Tragically, this lesson extends throughout all
human history. Just as Adam and Eve did, human beings have long tried to
determine for themselves what is right and wrong, rejecting God’s revelation.
Sadly, we have reaped the painful fruit of those wrong choices (Galatians 6:7).
worship required
Could these wrong choices and
decisions extend to the way we worship God and Jesus Christ? Jesus Himself made
it clear that merely using His name does not make one a Christian. “Not
everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but
he who does the will of My Father in heaven” (Matthew 7:21, emphasis
added throughout).
Did you catch that? It is
possible to worship God and His Son, but still not be a real Christian! Christ
warned of those who would institute their own practices and doctrines and
wrongly expect God to honor such worship: “Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy
about you, saying: ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me
with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me,
teaching as doctrines the commandments of men’ ” (Matthew
Jesus noted that although God is
clearly the object of their worship, since they choose to worship Him in their
own way, as opposed to the way God tells us to worship Him, such worship is
vain and useless.
By contrast, a true Christian
will worship God according to God’s instruction in His holy Word, the Bible,
and not according to his own devices and imagination (Deuteronomy 12:32). The
Bible emphasizes that we should strive daily to live “by every word of God” (Luke
4:4; Deuteronomy 8:3). While no one can ever earn salvation—as it is God’s
freely given gift (Romans 6:23)—God will not give salvation to anyone who
stubbornly persists in doing things his own way.
Ever since Adam and Eve yielded
to Satan’s deception, most people simply have not correctly understood God’s
truth. They do not realize that Satan the devil has continued to deceive the
overwhelming majority of humankind (see 1 John 5:19; Revelation
12:9). In so many cases, people are sincerely doing what they think is right.
They simply do not understand that Satan, the real “god of this age” (2
Corinthians 4:4), has extended his deceitful, lying ways even into teachings and
practices embraced by mainstream Christianity (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).
The real test begins when God
opens one’s mind to His truth. Once the Creator begins to reveal truth to a
person, that individual bears a responsibility to act on it. If that person doesn’t
show a willingness to live by what he or she has learned, God will add nothing
more to his or her understanding. The person has shown that he really doesn’t
want to do even what he has already learned.
God requires a change
To be a true Christian, a person
must take a vital step: He or she must truly repent. After the apostle Peter’s
powerful sermon on the day the New Testament Church began, many were “cut to
the heart” when they recognized that it was their sins for which Jesus was
crucified (Acts 2:37).
Peter’s striking sermon had made
it clear just who Jesus was—the promised future King whom God had raised from
the dead and by doing so had made Him both Lord and Christ (verses 29-32, 36).
Their sins had necessitated the death of the very Son of God!
They then “said to Peter and the
rest of the apostles, ‘Men and brethren, what shall we do?’ Then Peter said to
them, ‘Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as
many as the Lord our God will call’ ” (verses 37-39).
We see here several crucial steps
to becoming a true Christian. First, a person must be called by God. Then he or
she must repent of past sins. Although repentance is a major subject requiring
more explanation than is possible here, we should realize that it is far more
than merely an emotional experience. It is truly a life-changing process.
To repent means to change, to
turn around, to stop going the way you are going. It is to be truly sorry for
your sins, as well as to have sorrow for your inclination and desire to do the
wrong things.
In biblical terms, this process
of change, of surrendering yourself and turning your life over to God, is
called conversion. Obviously a human being cannot change everything at once,
but one can have a repentant attitude and turn in the right direction, making
basic changes as he or she embarks on a new path and a new life of
overcoming—bearing “fruits worthy of repentance” (Matthew 3:8).
(To understand this process of
repentance and conversion, read the free Bible study aid booklets The Road to Eternal Life and Transforming
Your Life: The Process of Conversion .)
To be repentant, it is essential
to have some understanding of what to repent of. If one doesn’t realize
stealing is sinful, he cannot repent of it. If he isn’t aware that profaning
God’s name or profaning God’s Sabbath constitutes sin, he cannot repent of
those transgressions. This is where God’s calling—His revealing of truth so
that we might become a true Christian—applies. The Creator reveals His truth
through His Word, the Bible, so we can understand what sin is and so we might
comprehend the way of life to which He has called us.
We see, then, that a person
cannot truly become a Christian unless he truly repents.
Another step required
After genuine repentance, Peter
instructs that we must be baptized (Acts 2:38). The Greek word baptisma
(baptism) refers to the “processes of immersion, submersion, and emergence”
(Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, 1985,
“Baptism, Baptist, Baptize”).
Water baptism is a physical act
designed to teach us a vital spiritual lesson. “Baptism” performed through
sprinkling or pouring fails to fulfill the symbolism of this important
ceremony. Baptism is described in Romans 6 as representing our death, burial and
resurrection to new life through Jesus Christ. Through baptism our “old man” or
self is symbolically buried in a watery grave and we rise from the water as a
new person to live a new life (verses 3-13).
The experience of Noah’s family
in the ark during the great Flood as well as ancient Israel’s passing through
the Red Sea figuratively represent water baptism (1 Peter 3:20-21; 1
Corinthians 10:2).
Both events culminated in
salvation—albeit only physical deliverance for those involved—and also
signified the passing from an old world and sinful way of life to a completely
new one where righteousness prevails. Baptism represents our salvation and
deliverance from our earlier way of living that leads to death to a new way of
righteous living, leaving our old self behind in a symbolic watery grave.
In the light of these verses, can
one still be a Christian and be saved without baptism? Read Mark
16:16 for additional biblical evidence: “He who believes and is baptized
will be saved.”
The gift of
God’s Spirit
Following water baptism, God
offers His Holy Spirit to the repentant believer. Can a person be a Christian
without God’s Spirit? The Bible answers: “… You are not in the flesh, but in
the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not
have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His” (Romans 8:9).
Notice how “Spirit of God” and
“Spirit of Christ” are used interchangeably. There is only one Holy Spirit (Ephesians
4:4), and one cannot be a Christian without it.
That Spirit enables the Christian
to understand spiritual things—”the things of God” (1 Corinthians 2:11).
Through the Holy Spirit, a Christian builds godly character and shows evidence
of God at work in his or her life through proper fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). The
Spirit works in a Christian to provide power, love and a sound, godly mind (2
Timothy 1:6-7).
Another element tied to
repentance is what Jesus Christ called “counting the cost.” He cautions those
who would follow Him, “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not
sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it … so
likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My
disciple” (Luke 14:28, 33).
This means that whoever would
become a true Christian must be willing to give his or her life to God, to
always put God first (Matthew 6:33). True Christianity is not cheap; the cost
is to surrender your life. It requires total commitment. A Christian may
stumble or falter along the way. He may even hesitate. But with God’s help, he
or she will work through the obstacles and put God first in all aspects
of life.
Walk as Christ walked
A true Christian will have a very
different perspective on life. He will have an overriding goal to live like
Jesus Christ. “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as
He walked” (1 John 2:6). A true Christian’s understanding of how to live will
be deeply rooted in the example of the life of the Messiah and that of His
followers, the apostles.
Included in the concept of
walking as He walked is the aspect emphasized in 1 Peter 2:20-21: “For
what credit is it if, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it
patiently? But when you do good and suffer for it, if you take it patiently,
this is commendable before God. For to this you were called, because Christ
also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow
His steps.”
A true Christian will look, in
faith, to God, realizing his total dependence on the Creator. He or she will
demonstrate the fruits of God’s Holy Spirit and true Christianity through
good works.
It is a fantastic privilege to be
a Christian in this age, but one that requires dedication and carries heavy
responsibility. The rewards are enormous for all those who choose to serve God
and become true followers of Christ—Christians as defined in the Bible.
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