People die because of something said. Tongues can be weapons of
mass destruction, launching holocausts and wars. Tongues can also be the death
of marriages, families, friendships, churches, careers, hopes, understanding,
reputations, missionary efforts, and governments.
But people also live because of something said. The tongue can
be “a tree of life” (Proverbs
15:4). Tongues reconcile peoples and make peace. “Blessed are the
peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9).
Tongues can make marriages sweet, families strong, and churches healthy.
Tongues can give hope to the despairing, advance understanding, and spread the
So what will come out of your mouth today, death or life? “Sword
thrusts” or “healing” (Proverbs
Fills Your Heart?
It will all depend on what’s filling your heart. Jesus said,
“Out of the abundance of the heart [the] mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45). A
critical heart produces a critical tongue. A self-righteous heart produces a
judgmental tongue. A bitter heart produces an acerbic tongue. An ungrateful
heart produces a grumbling tongue.
“The words
you speak will all depend on what’s filling your heart.”
But a loving heart produces a gracious tongue. A faithful heart
produces a truthful tongue. A peaceful heart produces a reconciling tongue. A
trusting heart produces an encouraging tongue.
So fill your heart with grace by soaking in your Bible. Soak in
Matthew 5, or Romans 12, or 1 Corinthians 13, or Philippians 2. And be very
careful taking in the words of death in the newspaper, the radio, the TV, or
the blog.
The world is full of words of death. “The whole world lies in
the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19), who
“was a murderer from the beginning . . . and the father of lies” (John 8:44). Let us
not join him in his “restless evil” (James 3:8).
For “we are from God” (1 John 5:19), and we
believe in his Son, Jesus, “the Word” (John 1:1), “the truth
and the life” (John 14:6),
and who alone has “the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). Let us
join him in speaking these.
to learn
Today, make your mouth “a fountain of life” (Proverbs 10:11). Be
“slow to speak” in general (James
1:19). Encourage more than you critique. Seek opportunities to speak
kind, tenderhearted words (Ephesians
4:32). Say something affectionate to a loved one at an unexpected
time. Seek to only speak words that are “good for building up,” that “give
grace to those who hear” (Ephesians
Be a person whose mouth is full of life.
“And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace,
which is able to build you up” (Acts 20:32).
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