“He who heeds instruction and correction is [not only himself] in the way of life [but also] is a way of life for others. And he who neglects or refuses reproof [not only himself] goes astray [but also] causes to err and is a path toward ruin for others.”
Imagine a young man who embarks on a road trip and, after several hours of driving on the highway, begins to feel sleepy. Then the Spirit of God says to him, “Stop at the next filling station and rest for a while.” But he ignores the instruction and continues on his journey, and before he knows it, he dozes, veers off the road, and crashes into a bush.
Many have crashed not only their cars but their lives like this, just because they wouldn’t listen and respond to the prompting and leading of God’s Spirit. Don’t be that way! Sometimes, you may be in the midst of a group of people, and the Spirit of God wants you to separate yourself from them; take His instructions seriously and obey immediately. Consciously train yourself to respond quickly to His voice. Don’t let Him have to repeat instructions to you over and over again.
Remember, God’s guidance in our lives doesn’t have to be spectacular to be supernatural. What makes it supernatural is that it came from the Holy Spirit, and it can therefore be trusted. When you train yourself to respond to Him this way, you’ll be able to hear Him in times of crisis, and act quickly to save yourself and others from unnecessary trouble and heartache.
Dear Father, thank you for the guidance that your Spirit alone gives. I’m guided in the right direction, and my steps are ordered by you today and always, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Pray fervently in tongues right now: that’s how to get your spirit to hear from God’s Spirit.


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