I.  V. 22a               GOD IS FAITHFUL IN HIS GRACE
(Mercies - This word is translated “loving-kindness” over 30 times in the Old Testament.  It is a very expressive word that conveys all the ideas of “love, grace, mercy, faithfulness, goodness and devotion.”  This word pictures God as the Divine lover of men.  It finds its New Testament equivalent in the idea of God’s love and grace. Notice a couple of quick thoughts about the amazing grace of God.
      Jeremiah seems to be remembering that it was the pure grace of God that brought Israel out of their slavery in Egypt.  It was also grace that had kept them a redeemed people in spite of their failures and wanderings.  There is a word for us in this thought today.)
      A.  His Grace Saves Us – Only grace could have reached us in our lost, doomed condition, Ill. Eph. 2:1-4.  We could not get to God, so God came to us!  He came in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ to die for our sins, Phil. 2:5-8.  He came in the Person of the Holy Spirit to draw us to God so that we might be saved, John 16:7-11; John 6:44.
      B.  His Grace Secures Us – Grace not only sought us out when we were lost in sin; grace keeps us in our saved condition.  We are prone to failure.  We are prone to spiritual wandering.  If our salvation resented upon our ability to be faithful to the Lord, none of us would ever be saved.  Thankfully, salvation is the Lord’s arena and not ours!  We are saved by His grace and we are kept by that same grace, 1 Pet. 1:5; Psa. 37:23-24, 28; John 4:13-14.  Thank God for His unfailing, unchanging, faithful grace!

II.  V. 22b-23          GOD IS FAITHFUL IN HIS GIFTS
(Compassion - This is a word that literally means “womb”.  It means “to be moved in the heart out of love for another.”  This word is a picture of the grace of God actively moving in the life of the believer.  You see, as we pass through our storms and our valleys, we do no do so alone!  God observes our path and His grace gives us all we need for our journey.  Notice two thoughts here about the great gifts of God.)
A.  V. 23b God’s Gifts Are Faithful - (Ill. God did not promise an easier road, but He promised that His grace would be sufficient for the need - 2 Cor. 12:9. Think about Paul and his battle with that thorn in the flesh.)
      Grace is usually defined as “The unmerited love and favor of God toward sinners.”  It carries that idea, but this is a word that has come to mean so much more than that.  It has come to refer to “the strength of God to face battles and to bear up under times of difficulty.” 
      With this in mind, we should always remember that regardless of what life sends our way, we can be confident of the fact that the Lord will give us the necessary strength to face the trying times of life.  You’ll never face a situation as a believer that God will not give grace to help you make it through. Notice the promise given in Isa. 43:1-2.
      1.  The Gift Of His Presence - Heb. 13:5; Matt. 28:20.  These verses, along with others reveal the great truth that God is always present with His children.  Even when He cannot be seen, He is there. When you cannot trace God in your life, I challenge you to come to the place where you can trust Him fully.
      2.  The Gift Of His Performance - Eph. 3:20 - Focus on the word “able”!  If this verse is to be taken at face value, and I am certain that it is, then it becomes plain that our God is greater, by far, than any problem we have, or will ever face. God is an awesome God and His children need to be remembering that great truth. God will take care of you!
      3.  The Gift Of His Provision - Phil. 4:19; Matt. 6:25-33; Psalm 37:25 - These verses teach us the great truth that God is interested in meeting our needs. Please hear what the Lord said: Needs not Greed’s! God has promised to take care of His children, and He will! It may be that His idea of taking care   is different than yours, but that is where faith in the trustworthiness of God comes in.  We must come to the place where we are willing to trust the Lord to take care of us in any way that He sees fit.  Notice the trust that Job had in the Lord - Job 13:15.  I am sure that Job would have chosen another alternative than losing his children, his health and his wealth, but he is willing to trust the Lord through times that cannot be understood and that make no sense.  What about you and me?  Do we really believe that the Lord is absolutely faithful?  Do we believe that He has our best interests at heart?  Are we confident of the fact that God will indeed provide for our needs?
      4.  The Gift Of His Person - Heb. 13:8; Mal. 3:6.  These verses reveal the truth about God nature that makes Him reliable at all times. That is simply the fact that He does not change!  God is the same today as He has been forever, and the same as He will be forever.  He was faithful in the beginning and He   will be faithful in the end.  He was steadfast in the lives of the Bible characters that placed their faith in Him and He will be steadfast in the life of ever believer who will trust Him in these days.  God is a steadfast and trustworthy God!

      (Ill. These great gifts of our faithful God are unchanging and unfailing.)

B.  V. 23a God’s Gifts Are Fresh - According to this verse, the grace of God is as fresh as the new day.  We do not have to worry about there not being enough for us to make it through, for God’s grace in our lives is as fresh as the new day.
      Ill. Matt. 6:34, “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”  Just as every new day brings with it its own set of burdens and problems, so each day witnesses a new, unfailing, all-sufficient, supply of God’s marvelous, matchless, wonderful, amazing grace.

(Ill. God’s faithfulness is seen in the fact that we woke up this morning, in our right minds and in reasonable health.  We woke up with air to breath, food to eat, people we love around us, etc.  God is a faithful, wonderful Lord.)


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